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Phone: 780-998-3288 ext, 2
Phone: 780-998-3288 ext. 3
Address: Our Lady of the Angels Parish 10004 – 101 St. Fort Saskatchewan, AB T8L 1V9 Google Map
Telephone: 780-998-3288 Fax: 780-998-1868 Email:
Deb Hume 780-998-3288 ext. 1
56 - 55000 Lamoureux Dr. Sturgeon County Google Map
561064 Rge Rd. 184 (9 miles North of Chipman on Rge Rd 184 and Twp Rd 562) Google Map
Located 52 kilometers north of Edmonton on highway 38. Google Map
Chipman is located 11 km east of Lamont on Highway 15. Village of Chipman, Junction of 50th Street & 48th Avenue Google Map
Bruderheim is situated on Highway 45 along the west boundary of the Lamont County. Google Map
The town of Gibbons is located at the junction of Highway 28 and 28A Google Map
Situated on Secondary Highway 831 and Highway 45. Google Map
The town of Lamont is situated on Highway 15, five km north of Elk Island National Park. Google Map
51 Km on the west of Fort Saskatchewan on Hwy 29 Google Map
8:30 am - noon, 1:00pm - 4:30pm
Direct-Payment-Authorization.pdfClick here to download the Direct Payment Authorization form (pdf). Mail or drop off to the church office to begin monthly donations. (We do not accept Visa payments, that is through the "donations" button on the home screen only.)