Welcome to the Parish of Our Lady of the Angels in Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Serving the Catholic Communities of Sacred Heart; Gibbons, St. Clare; Redwater, St. Michael the Archangel; St. Michael, Our Lady of Good Counsel; Skaro
We also have Our Lady of Lourdes; Lamoureux, Church and Cemetery, St. Bonaventure Cemetery; Chipman, The Precious Blood; Krakow, Church and Cemetery under our care.
Our Catholic Schools that we serve are in Fort Saskatchewan; St. John Paul XXIII Catholic School, Our Lady of the Angels Catholic School, St. John Paul II Catholic School, St. Andre Bessette Catholic High School
Our Care homes are as follows: In Fort Saskatchewan, Dr. Turner Lodge, Rivercrest Care Facility. In Gibbons, Spruce View Manor. In Redwater, Diamond Springs Lodge. In Lamont, The Lamont Auxiliary Hosp. and Beaverhill Lodge
A Catholic Response to Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide: click on Hope and Dignity to link to the Archdiocesan website for more information.
Upfront with the Archbishop is a weekly podcast where we seek to bridge the gap between the hierarchy and the faithful by discussing the beauty, truth, and challenges of our Catholic faith.
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